Monday, June 20, 2011

IMPACT DR 2011 - Here we come!

Hello parents, friends, family, and prayer warriors! This is the blog you will be following over the course of the next couple of weeks to stay tuned with what is happening with the IMPACT team! We are so excited about this group of 20 students who have worked so hard since January to prepare for this trip. Please be praying in the following ways:

-PRAY for divine appointments with the Dominican people
-PRAY for health and physical endurance
-PRAY for VBS-energy, enthusiasm, and a connection with the kids in hopes to plant seeds
-PRAY for dramas and testimonies-allow our stories to relate to their stories
-PRAY that we offer encouragement to the leaders that have been there before us and will stay there after us
-PRAY against the the enemy's schemes
-PRAY for wisdom and discernment by leaders
-PRAY for ready, open, willing hearts from students
-PRAY for debrief time

Please be in prayer and allow the Spirit to lead you to pray for us. Please intercede on our behalf.

Expect more to come on this blog later!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kory - looking forward to keeping track of the team and my daughter Ashley in the DR! Dean Korsmo
